
How The Right Prayer Mat Can Impact A Child’s Inclination Towards Islam?

When a child turns seven, some of us parents begin to feel anxious thinking about how we can teach our kids Salah with love and patience. Moreover, we wonder how to instruct our children to pray so that they remain consistent as they grow.

Every generation has lived in a totally different world, a different environment. They had their favourite games, T.V shows, and so much more. As parents, we tend to remain stuck in our timelines. Hence often we may fail to understand that times have changed and what worked with children back then, may not work for them now. So, let’s replace those old prayer mats you have and get something much more appealing for the current generation.

Even though the obligation for Salah for children is after the age of seven, to raise a family strong in Islamic tenets, children must be taught and exposed to the elements of what a prayer is and how it is offered. Read more about how you can do so, here
With all that said, let’s jump onto the list of some of Kutuby Learning’s recommended Salah mats for kids.

The Astronaut’s Salah Mat

Children are huge dreamers, and parents play an important role in making their dreams come true. Kutuby Learning takes extra care of the interests of a child, and hence we offer our carefully planned Islamic curriculum that engages young Muslims.  This “lift off to Makkah” mat has been designed by Imaan Kidz, dedicated for those children who are ambitioned to “Shoot for the moon, and land among the stars”

→  Click here to buy this mat.

The Footballer’s Salah Mat

The FIFA World Cup 2022 has started and it has stirred the emotions of every football fan, young or old. This mat is just the perfect one for your little Mo Salah’s Salah. Football fans would get the hidden humour. Designed by SalaamSouq, you can get one delivered today!

Click here to buy this mat.

The Pilot’s Salah Mat

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

― Leonardo da Vinci

Children frequently dream about flying, and some make it their ambition and passion of being one with the sky. Designed by The Desert Dress Store, this is ideal for your little pilot!

Click here to buy this mat.

The Princess’s Salah Mat

Girl parents, we got you! Whether your daughter is into Cinderella, Rapunzel or Elsa, this is the Salah mat for her. Designed by Imaan Kidz, this Salah mat would definitely sit well in a princess’s room where tea time with friends can be made more fun with a Salah break.

Click here to buy this mat.

The Minimalist Salah Mat

 Perhaps your kids are currently a bit younger, toddlers perhaps. At such a young age, they’ve hardly shown passion towards a certain thing. Kutuby Learning still has you covered. These minimalist prayer mats look like something straight out of Eric Carle’s book. Get these Salah prayers by TAKVA at a discount. The specialty of these mats is the soft padding designed to cushion any pressure points to protect your little from any discomfort.

Click here to buy this mat.

Interactive Salah Mat 

Technology is ever-changing. Who possibly thought of a prayer mat that can virtually communicate with you and guide you through the steps of Salah. As credits go to the inventor, Kutuby Learning lists this amazing prayer mat for your child. Introduced by MySalahMat, this isn’t any ordinary and plain mat. My Salah Mat is a parent-made product for children who are struggling to learn Salah. An interactive learning tool that introduces prayer in a fun and entertaining way. These prayer mats are fully interactive and touch-sensitive with instructions for pre-recorded prayer times, how to do wudu, recite surahs, say du’as, and more.

It teaches children different times of salah, movements and positions, and what to say in between. 

Click here to buy this mat.

Royal Sejadah Mat

These prayer mats are no ordinary ones. Specially crafted and designed by Al-Sejadah London, these Salah mats are sure to attract the eye of anyone. The reason these mats stand out is that these prayer rugs are not printed. The product is of a very special tapestry style, and you will fall in love with the wonderful embossed flowers. Perhaps you plan on gifting someone’s child, and you’re not sure what to buy for them. Try the perfect gift by Al Sejadah. You will receive a prayer rug, a gold foiled box and paper bag, a greeting card and a ribbon, as shown in the photos.

Click here to buy this mat.

Customised Prayer Mat

As children we may have wished for things that simply didn’t exist at the time, or perhaps it wasn’t easily available. Everyone has a specific taste and aesthetic preference of what they want. Hence, we bring you personalised and customisable children’s prayer mats. Bin Jamals custom-made prayer mats for kids can be personalised with your child's name. Each prayer rug measures 90 cm x 48 cm and is available in a variety of colours and patterns. The best thing about this brand is that they offer bundle prices for three personalised mats for just £40 or 2 personalised mats for just £25. Bin Jamal delivers worldwide. Get these Salah mats today, and don’t miss out on the awesome deal!

Click here to buy this mat.

Sajdah’s Smart Prayer Mat

Saving the best for the last, we have the world’s first smart educational prayer mat. This is a revolutionary piece of technology in the Muslim world. Maybe your child is at an age where he can recite Arabic from Kutuby’s free online Islamic courses and Arabic word of the week from Instagram and YouTube; this mat is exclusively for them. Sajdah teaches new Muslims how to pray properly without worry. Muslims can also enhance their prayer experience by reading the Qur'an from the Sajdah's LED screens during Tarawih, Qyam, and other prayers. Sajdah helps your child learn to pray by following simple steps for each prayer. It feels like they have a personal trainer to guide them, and the tech-based features will draw them to Sajdah. Sajdah is also useful for children who are easily distracted or who are living with ADHD and other similar concerns.

Click here to buy this mat.

Well, that’s a wrap on our list of Salah mats for kids. Did you find one that you like? Feel free to contact us on our social media accounts and suggest other mats that you have bought for your children. After all, it’s Kutuby’s goal to love Islam and live by it.

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