
There was once a young boy named Ahmed. He did not like to pray his 5 daily prayers. He believed he was very lazy. He thought that performing the prayers daily was very troublesome indeed and it made him feel very tired.

One day, he had this great idea. He figured that he should find out which day of the week is the best day in which to pray. And he’ll pray very well on that day. As for the rest of the week, he’ll just relax and not worry about any prayers at all. He thought that if he prayed really well one day then Allah will not care if he did not pray the rest of the days of the week.

So, he went to his grandfather to ask him about the best day of the week for prayer,

He said, “Grandpa, which day of the week is the best day to pray our 5 daily prayers?”

His grandfather replied, “My grandson, the best day to pray is the day before you die.”

Listening to what his grandfather said the boy was astonished. He thought it was impossible for anyone to know what day they will die.

He asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, that’s impossible! How can I know the day of my death?”

To which his wise grandfather replied, “Exactly, my grandson,” the wise man replied, “No one knows the day of his death. That’s why we need to pray every single day.” His grandfather chuckled and went on to say, "My dear Ahmed, you do not need to worry yourself to pray all 5 times a day! Right now you are too young, so I would say that whichever Salah you do pray, pray with all of your heart."

This beautiful advice made Ahmed realize that he was not lazy at all! As a child, he does not need to pray all the time but rather he needs to focus on simply remembering Allah with all his heart. Ahmed also realised that there is no single day that is better than the rest. We have to remember our Creator, ALLAH, every day. After that day Ahmed made a promise to himself that he will do his best to pray as much as he can and remember Allah whenever he can. In Sha Allah!

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